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Sarah Palin, New York Times clash at start of trial
Sarah Palin’s Defamation Trial Against New York Times Begins
Sarah Palin takes The New York Times to court, raising First Amendment concerns
Sarah Palin set to battle New York Times at defamation trial
Sarah Palin, New York Times clash at trial testing defamation protection for media - Reuters
Sarah Palin says she felt 'powerless' against NYT
Sarah Palin versus New York Times Blues, (c) Matthew Russell Lee,, Feb 5, 2022
Judge to throw out Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against NYT
Jury Deliberating In Palin Vs. NY Times Libel Trial In Manhattan
Palin’s attorney speaks to reporters after court rejects libel case against New York Times
Jury rejects Sarah Palin’s case against NY Times
Palin resumes court battle with Times after COVID